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Cognizant Technology Solutions: Retaining Employees Amid Impending Crises
作者姓名:Lalatendu Kesari Jena; Kedarnath Thakur; Yasmin Kukul;
商品類型:Case (Pub Mat)商品編號:W25580
出版日期:2021/12/09內容長度:11 頁

Cognizant Technology Solutions (Cognizant) was a multinational corporation that operated in the information technology (IT) services sector and provided consulting and business process outsourcing services to its clients. As the world fell into the clutches of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company faced a series of challenges, through 2020 and into the start of 2021, that rocketed its employee attrition rates to an all-time high while also affecting .....more

Cognizant Technology Solutions: Retaining Employees Amid Impending Crises - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Lalatendu Kesari Jena; Kedarnath Thakur; Yasmin Kukul;
出版日期:2021/12/09內容長度:10 頁

Teaching note for product W25580.